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CRAP! How to use CRAP for designing presentation slides and other graphics. CRAP is wonderful! CRAP is great stuff! You should use it in ...

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Analyzing a picture for the TOEIC and other standardized exams Analyzing a picture for the TOEIC and other standardized exams Here in Taiwan, many university ...

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Note-taking on standardized tests (TOEFL, etc.) Many tests, such as TOEFL, allow you to take notes during the Reading and ...

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Main idea questions in standardized tests For all of you test-takers out there--TOEFL, ITP, TOEIC & the rest--a quick tip ...

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CRAP! How to use CRAP for designing presentation slides and other graphics. CRAP is wonderful!

CRAP is great stuff! You should use it in liberal amounts whenever you design a poster, a Power Point slide, and other visual products that can benefit from a well-done application of CRAP. CRAP! Contrast–Repetition–Alignment–Proximity: it all adds up to CRAP. If you have no idea how to use crap, read on! C–ontrast: use dark […]


11 Aug News | Comments

Analyzing a picture for the TOEIC and other standardized exams

Analyzing a picture for the TOEIC and other standardized exams Here in Taiwan, many university students are required to achieve a certain score on a standardized test, such as the TOEIC or Taiwan’s own GEPT exam, in order to graduate. Students who fail to achieve that score will typically have to enroll in an additional […]


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