CRAP is great stuff! You should use it in liberal amounts whenever you design a poster, a Power Point slide, and other visual products that can benefit from a well-done application of CRAP. CRAP! Contrast–Repetition–Alignment–Proximity: it all adds up to CRAP. If you have no idea how to use crap, read on!
C–ontrast: use dark colors to make light colors stand out and vice-versa. Put something (or somebody) big next to somebody (or something) small. Make the initial letter bigger than the others. Etc.
R–epetition: if it’s important, say it more than once. Say it more than once on the same slide, and say it more than once on more than one slide.
A–lignment: line up things that need to be connected. For example, have somebody looking at something (or somebody) they connect to–student and teacher might be looking at each other, the cowboy might be looking at his horse, etc.
P–roximity: place things next to things that they go with. For example, place the bride next to the groom. Place the answer directly under the question.
I’ve posted this article, sans Power Point, at my Linked In profile as well. I’m listed as Daniel Steve Villarreal, Ph.D. CRAP!
–Please feel free to forward widely as long as credit is given to Daniel Steve Villarreal, Ph.D. (萬丹青),
(c) Daniel Steve Villarreal, Ph.D. (萬丹青)
Daniel Steve Villarreal, Ph.D. (萬丹青)
Assistant Professor of English (MOE # 036823)
Licensed Court Interpreter # 315 (Spanish-English, Texas) Master designation
1-on-1 & small-group English & Spanish instruction (specializing in on-site Workplace English, test preparation–TOEFL, TOEIC, GEPT, GRE verbal, ACT verbal, etc.–& Translation & Interpretation)
Spanish-to-English translation
Language learning website with free newsletter subscription–please Like the American Older Brother page on Facebook!